Sunday, January 06, 2008

Storyboarding Blog-o-rama

I've found websites for the post-it multicolored board before and then lost them. What was lost now is found and shared with the rest of you all.

1. Julie Leto - PlotMonkeys post http://www.plotmonkeys.com/date/2007/05/05/
Interesting picture and nice layout technique, also the post is within a post on plotting with your pants on (for all those can't decide between plotting and pantsering(?))

2. Erica Ridley - Erica Writes post http://ericawrites.blogspot.com/2007/08/all-about-story-boards.html
Pictures to go with the words and step by step instructions

3. Carrie Ryan - Manuscript Mavens post http://manuscriptmavens.blogspot.com/2007/11/best-laid-plotting-boards.html
This is a post that will make you feel better if you can't seem to grasp a plotting board.

4. Diana Peterfreund - Diana Peterfreund post http://dianapeterfreund.blogspot.com/2007/07/son-of-plotting-board.html http://dianapeterfreund.blogspot.com/2007/08/book-signing-and-brand-new-plotting.html http://dianapeterfreund.blogspot.com/2006/09/plotting-board-redux-and-question-week.html http://dianapeterfreund.blogspot.com/2005/07/in-which-author-contemplates-structure_20.html
Lots and lots about plotting boards. The first one is step by step instructions

5. Rachel Vincent - Urbanfantasy blog post http://urbanfantasy.blogspot.com/2007/01/white-board-phase-2.html
Method using a whiteboard as the background

6. Patrice Michelle - Visual Plotting article http://freshfiction.com/page.php?id=533
Response to Rachel Vincent's post

7. Maura Anderson - Realms of the Raven post http://realmsoftheraven.blogspot.com/search/label/Writerly%20Wednesday
A step by step tutorial on her storyboard technique with pictures.

8. Kelly Parra - Words of a Writer post http://writerwords.blogspot.com/ 12/31/07
Shares her storyboard from her recent project, also notes she doesn't make it up until after she finishes her first draft.

I'll keep trying to add more.


Anonymous said...

Oooh! I LOVE plotting! What a great post, Amanda.

I subscribe to a few of the blogs you listed, and I think Diane Peterfreund's has a wealth of information. I loved her collage, and I have used that idea for my writing as well. However, I don't have room to have a physical board, so I went to http://pagii.com and made a virtual one for each of my characters. If you have MS Word you can use OneNote as well, which is another great plotting tool.

Amanda said...

I love plotting too and have way too many books and websites swirling in my brain. This was one way to organize the websites that got away from me. I know there's a few I'm missing too.