Thursday, October 18, 2007

Plodding Along

Research isn't the most glamorous part of the writing process, but sometimes it can be downright entertaining and aggravating. Especially when you are researching something as wide spread as angels or even vampires. Different accounts claim different things. So you have to apply your own theory and try not to tick anyone off. From what I understand that's what world building is all about. Creating your own mythology based on the available facts. If something doesn't fit, throw it out and make something else up. I'm trying to do my world building for Fallen. Of course, I'm trying to see what's out there before I make up the world on how my Angels interact with each other and how they interact with humans. I like the concept in Wings of Desire and City of Angels, how angels wander through the world but cannot feel the world around them or taste. But I don't know how much of that I will incorporate in my world. I'm thinking of disregarding it since none of my research has brought that up. Just another author's imagination?

One more day of research and then I'll move on to building my world. The backstory and plotting. I've slowly been character building as they whisper to me while I research. What was your favorite subject to research?


Krista Heiser said...

We seem to be researching the same things. Have you looked into any of the Apocryphal literature? The Book of Enoch was particularly interesting. Not that I read the whole thing...just enough to get some ideas.

Amanda said...

I have seen references to it but have not actually read it. I'm somewhat limited in my research ability where I'm living right now. If I wanted it I would have to buy it and there are so many versions... I have a Dictionary of Angels including the fallen angels (very dry) and a beautifully illustrated The Book of Angels by Ruth Thompson.

Merry said...

You should be able to order the Book of Enoch through your public library - it's very good, quite short, but interesting as it offers an alternate account of the fall of Lucifer (more detailed).

I have some notes on angels somewhere - from a lecture - so if you have a question about something I may be able to answer it, if you want to incorporate something into your worlbuilding. :oD

Amanda said...

Do they have anything on the difference between angels and humans? I've read that angels were created of fire while humans were created of earth. But is it like City of Angels where they can interact with the humans but cannot feel, taste, or smell things on the human plane. I'd love any help you can provide. I'm bookmonkey on NaNo if you are participating.

Merry said...

I shall check my notes and let you know what I find out. (I'm jillb on NaNo - I'll ping you!)

Merry said...

Can't find you! They've turned off author search. I've commented in the Romance Forum under 'can we get an intro thread going?' if you want to ping me, or tell me where you've posted and I'll ping you. ^^o_o^^