Monday, May 11, 2009

Envisioning Nationals

I'm a member of Romance Writers of America. In July they have their National Conference. As a PRO member (having completed a MS and submitted for consideration of publication), I joined in the mass onslaught of the RWA website to sign up for one editor and one agent pitch session. It opened at 8 cst this morning. I wasn't able to get in until 12. I did get my first choice for agent, but there weren't that many editors taking appointments.

I'm very excited about going to the conference. I'm also working on getting my submission ready for my contest win. I've gotten some really great ideas from my crit partners and going through them in my head. I also have plans for revising Fallen and want to finish Forsaken. There's the idea that I'd like to finish developing. But I need to work on getting everything clean.

And there's the part time job that keeps rearing it's head. It's good because it stimulates a different section of my brain, but having recently contracted the plague (just a little sick and being melodramatic) the time I have to work is limited. So this is where we need to coordinate our schedules and make goals and stick to them. Time to sit with a piece of paper and crunch the numbers.

1 comment:

BriteLady said...

I never had time to scrutinize the lists of appointments ahead of time. Probably a good thing, because I just chose from what was left, and am not upset about it.

I got an editor appt with one editor looking for single title contemporary romance/romantic comedy/romantic elements. Sounds like a good fit for one of mine.

And I grabbed an agent whose name I didn't recognize at first, but whose agency I did, and handles a lot of paranormals and romance in general :)

I did that about 9:30pm. Now I have too much work to do, also, before then :)