Saturday, August 29, 2009

The End and The Beginning

I finished revisions on Fallen and am going to work on a new story. There's always a kind of energy that hits me with the beginning of a book. I usually start with an idea. One of those bursts of inspiration that happen from time to time. This particular idea came to me when someone asked about one of my yahoo messages on messenger. It sparked an idea for a hero and his dilemna. A little writing gave me his heroine. Now I've written 10 pages and I've stopped.

Now I need to know more about these characters as an immortal my hero has a very rich history and I'm loving filing in the details and trying to work out how he became who he is. My heroine has been a mystery to me. Even her name hid from me for some time. She has a name and I know what happens to her mostly, but I don't know why she is who she is. And the big thing is tying her curse somehow to his curse. Once I find these clues the story should start to unravel.

I know the situation. I know who these characters are at this moment. I need to know how they became these characters. I also don't know who the villian is. I'm not sure that the villian will tie into their backstories or not. There are a lot of ways to go with a story. Even after plotting this out, things will change. My characters will seem to take on a life of their own and their motivations might surprise me, but that's what is fun about writing. Change.


Jen Rincon said...


I read your comment on the Yahoo! Groups today. Congratulations on the sell! I'm so happy for you. Have a great weekend.
-- Jennifer

Sarahlynn said...

I heard a rumor that you had great news. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!


OK, I'll stop screaming now. Back to your previously scheduled day.